Request firewall port openings
To enable communication between LKAB API Management and your API you'll have to request firewall port openings from LKAB Servicedesk.
We've created a template, to download and complete with your api server ip-addresses (download link below).
The ip-address spans for the different API Management environments (Dev, Test, Stage and production) are pre-entered in the template.
Replace the templates {On-prem...}
placeholders with your api server ip-addresses and the listening port, which normally is 443 for https.
Send the completed Firewall change request to
Remember Azure AD firewall openings
When your API's using Azure AD for JWT token validation (as recommended) you need a backchannel firewall opening from your API servers to Azure AD.
The attached template holds entries pre-entered to request firewall opening from your backend api server to Azure AD. Just remove them if not needed.