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API Secrets

When you onboard your api in Api Management and your backend doesn't use LKAB Azure AD for authentication you may have to add som api specific secrets for your backend. This can be done by hosting a Azure Key vault. You will become Contributor in that specific key vault and can administrate your own secrets there.

Azure key vaults

To be able to host a key vault for your api you must specify which LKAB Azure Account who will be administrating the secrets in that key vault. This infromation will then be used when deploying of a key vault for your api.

Whitelist your IP

When the key vault has been deployed you can reach it by:{YOUR-KEYVAULT-IDENTIFIER}/overview

Before you can add your secrets you have to whitelist your IP.

Whitelist IP

Then you can add your secrets.

Whitelist IP
Whitelist IP

We recommend that you set a expiration date to get a reminder to rotate your secrets. The reminder will be a notification to the API Management teams channel.