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To get resources deployed to our RabbitMq instances we use Terraform. The terraform provider used is cyrilgdn/rabbitmq

terraform {
  required_providers {
    rabbitmq = {
      source = "cyrilgdn/rabbitmq"
      version = "1.7.0"

On the provider docs you can read about all the configuration options for rabbit mq resources.

Because of problems with the latest version of the provider the current version that works is 1.7.0


In our on-prem github repository infrastructure/rabbitmq we have our rabbitmq terraform configuration. The repository has two subfolders with independant configuration. One for the test cluster and one for production cluster. Changes made to the test subfolder will be deployed to the test cluster and changes made to the prod subfolder will be deployed to the production cluster.

Deployment steps for test

  1. Create a new branch with the new configuration in the test subfolder.
  2. Push your changes
  3. Create a pull request against main
  4. A dry-run is made, i.e. terraform plan
  5. Inspect the result from the github action.
  6. Merge to main

Deployment steps for production

  1. Create a new branch with the new configuration in the prod subfolder.
  2. Push your changes
  3. Create a pull request against main
  4. A dry-run is made, i.e. terraform plan
  5. Inspect the result from the github action.
  6. Merge to main


Deploy a exchange and a queue with a binding.

resource "rabbitmq_exchange" "maximo_integration_exchange" {
  name  = "maximo.integration.v1.topic"
  vhost = "/"

  settings {
    type        = "topic"
    durable     = true
    auto_delete = false

resource "rabbitmq_queue" "maximo_integration_apollo_queue_wo" {
  name  = "maximo.integration.apollo.wo.queue"
  vhost = "/"

  settings {
    durable     = true
    auto_delete = false
    arguments = {
      "x-queue-type" = "quorum"

resource "rabbitmq_binding" "maximo_integration_apollo_binding_wo" {
  source           = "maximo.integration.v1.topic"
  vhost            = "/"
  destination      = "maximo.integration.apollo.wo.queue"
  destination_type = "queue"
  routing_key      = "maximo.integration.INT121.wo"

  depends_on = [rabbitmq_exchange.maximo_integration_exchange, rabbitmq_queue.maximo_integration_apollo_queue_wo]

maximo_integration_apollo_queue_wo, maximo_integration_exchange and maximo_integration_apollo_binding_wo must be unique across your configuration.


Deploy a shovel.

resource "rabbitmq_shovel" "quntiq_biztalk_v1_logisticstopic_stage_shovel" {
  name  = "quintiq.biztalk.v1.logistics.topic.stage.shovel"
  vhost = "/"
  info {
    source_uri        = "amqps://shoveluser:${["shovelpassword"]}"
    source_queue      = "quintiq.biztalk.v1.logistics.topic.stage.shovel.queue"
    destination_uri      = "amqp:///stage"
    destination_exchange    = "quintiq.biztalk.v1.logistics.topic"
  depends_on = [rabbitmq_exchange.stage_quintiq_biztalk_v1_logistics_topic]

Secret information such as user and password is fetched from our vault.